Articles are presented in the alphabetical order of authors\ Gli articoli sono presentati in ordine alfabetico degli autori  

General program / programma generale
List of participants / elenco dei partecipanti

Prehistory and World Heritage, Francesco Bandarin e Nuria Sanz .pdf

Opening Speech, Emmanuel Anati

Dusko Aleksovski, Art rupestre base de l’écriture de notre planète .pdf

Emmanuel Anati & Federico Mailland, HK/86b, Palaeolithic ceremonial site at Har Karkom, holy mountain in the desert of Exodus


Kaji Apollinaire, Les chefferies et la tradition de garder et de protéger les lieux sacrés


Uzi Avner, Stone Drawings in Prehistoric Desert Cult Sites

Batilde Bacci, Filogenesi e Ontogenesi della Creatività .pdf
Paolo Emilio Bagnoli, Absolute  Dating  of  Rock Art  on  Flat  Marble Surfaces .pdf
Rosetta Bastoni, Mitologia mesopotamica e relazione con Har Karkom il Sinai ritrovato .pdf
Ulf Bertilsson, Images on the Rocks and in the Archives four centuries of documentations of prehistoric rock art in Sweden .pdf
Pierluigi Bolmida, Tracce traumatiche e bestiarî di pietra .pdf
Lisbeth Christensen Bredholt, Prehistoric art as source material for the Study of Religion .pdf
Gabriella Brusa Zappellini, Radici antropologiche dell’immaginario e del fantastico nell’arte animalistica del Paleolitico superiore .pdf
Evelyn Búcaro, Naj Tunich Caves .pdf
Roy L. Carlson, Ideological Content of Prehistoric Northwest Coast Art .pdf
Somnath Chakraverty, Interpreting Rock Art in India .pdf
Christopher Chippindale, Prehistoric art, ideology and society: deducing ideology in the long-term sequence of Alpine rock-art .pdf
Jessica Joyce Christie, Power Speaks Through Rock: Stone Ideology of the Inka .pdf
Tiziana Cittadini, Gli spazi dell’intervento moderno nelle aree istoriate .pdf
Fernando Coimbra, Portugese post-paleolithic filiform rock art in a European context: similarities and differences .pdf
Anne Jodon Cole, Linking the past and the present: the role of historical consciousness in rock art interpretation .pdf
Hipólito Collado Giraldo, Arte e ideología en los primeros grupos agricultores de la península ibérica .pdf
David Coulson, Dangers for African rock art, traveling exhibitions and the Abasuba Peace Museum .pdf

Jean-Paul Coussy, Roucadour l’art initial gravé

Asok Datta, From Rock Art to Tribal Art in Eastern India .pdf
Lynn Cullens & Lysa Hochroth, Presentation of the Virtual Rock Art Museum Prototype (RAMP .pdf
Ana Lúcia Ferraz, Approche méthodologique d’un ensemble de monolithesdécores Néolithiques de la région d’Évora (Alentejo-Portugal) .pdf
Angelo Fossati  & Mila Simoes de Abreu, Early metallurgist art and ideology  
Åsa C. Fredell, The Kalleby experiment .pdf
Peter Friess, The Tech Museum (San José, California, USA) .pdf
Cristina Gastaldi, Giostre, cavalieri e armi tra arte rupestre e immaginario cortese .pdf
Silvana Gavaldo, Pede pulsanda tellus .pdf
Mohamed Elhedi Ghrabi, Les peintures rupestres de Ghomrassen .pdf
Lysa Hochroth, Rock art sites and museums: real and virtual contexts and communities .pdf
Katalin Jankovits, Le rappresentazioni antropomorfe sulla ceramica e i pendagli antropomorfi di bronzo nell’etá del bronzo in Ungheria .pdf
José Antonio Lasheras Carmen De Las Heras, Museography And museology of cave art at the Altamira Museum .pdf
Maria Laura Leone, The Phosphenic Deer Cave of Badisco Art and Myth of the Shadows in Depth .pdf
Jorge Antonio Miguel Lopez, The Rock Painting of Yutecoo River, Oaxaca México .pdf
Daniel Lysek & Daniela Gariglio, L’attività creativa nella preistoria: un’espressione di tracce di benessere? .pdf
Federico Mailland, Geoglyphs on the Har Karkom plateau (Negev, Israel) .pdf
Ida Mailland, Har Karkom : proto-arte agli albori del Paleolitico Superiore .pdf
Riccardo Manzotti, Arte preistorica ed esternalismo .pdf
Alberto Marretta, Il Coren di Redondo (Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica) .pdf
Angelo Martinotti, Instrumentum rituale .pdf
Bruna Marzi, La rappresentazione del ragno nell’arte rupestre e nel sogno .pdf
Gerhard Milstreu, Rock Art in Scandinavia .pdf
Guillermo Munoz & Judith Trujillo, GIPRI – (Colombia) .pdf
Lutay N’Kanza, Histoire de l’art préhistorique du bas-Congo : orientations herméneutiques .pdf
George Nash, Warriors and Damsels in distress: the Megalithic art and statue menhirs of Guernsey, Channel Islands .pdf
Perrice Nkombwe, Prehistoric Art and Museology: the Case of the Livingstone Museum, Zambia .pdf
Luiz Oosterbeek, Is Ideology a possible topic in rock art studies? .pdf
Marcel Otte, Arts et Pensées au Paléolithique supérieur européen .pdf
Nicola Peluffo, Le Steli e i Santuari come palcoscenico delle manifestazioni dell’Immagine .pdf
Sadasiba Pradhan, Rock Art and Tribal Art  of Orissa .pdf
Andrea Rocchitelli, La percezione visiva  come mediatore intergenerazionale degli affetti .pdf
Giulia Rossi, Le figure fantastiche e mitologiche nell’arte rupestre camuna .pdf
Andrzej Rozwadowski, Siberian rock art and shamanism .pdf
Umberto Sansoni, Campanine di Cimbergo (Valcamonica). Introduzione all’indagine sul contesto rupestre .pdf
Serena Solano & Alberto Marretta, Pagine di pietra .pdf
ManuelaTartari, Le rappresentazioni complesse nelle incisioni rupestri .pdf
Federico Troletti, Architettura militare sulle rocce di Campanine di Cimbergo: ipotesi ricostruttive e confronti .pdf
Tsoni Tsonev, Ideology of social change in the Eneolithic/Bronze Age parietal art in the Magura cave, North-west Bulgaria .pdf
Grigori Vahanyan & Vahan Vahanyan, The Intercultural relations between Old Europe and Old Armenia .pdf
Vahan Vahanyan, Comparative Analysis of the Armenia and World Rock Art .pdf
Rina Viers, Les gravures protosinaïtiques sont alphabétiques .pdf
Malde Vigneri, Il trauma della nascita dell’Io .pdf
Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez, Une éclipse solaire prévue et observée dans la Vallée des Merveilles .pdf
Thomas Wyrwoll, The Return of the Knights. Fragments of the ethnic history of the C-Group people inferred from rock art .pdf
Thomas Wyrwoll, South Arabian Rock Art: Dating Attempts from Art History .pdf
Mauro Zanchi, Arte primordiale di Beuys e arte preistorica .pdf
Manuela Zanetta, La figura dell’armato nell’arte rupestre camuna l’esempio di Campanine di Cimbergo .pdf
Adolfo Zavaroni, Footprints as a symbol of a divine guide of souls: focus on the Scandinavian Rock Art .pdf
Christian Züchner, Ships on Scandinavian Rocks .pdf