Antonia Bertocchi : La Venere di Dolni-Vestonice (Moravia- 24.000 a.C.) apre gli orizzonti antropologici sul sacrificio della vista, dalla Preistoria a Santa Lucia (.pdf)

Magdalena Boniec, Andrzej Rozwadowski: Making rocks speak again: prehistoric art in the work of Alexander Domozhakov - a late 20th century Khakas painter (.pdf)

Sandra Claggett: Can audio-visual characteristics of a rock art site affect how past societies experienced and understood rock art? (.pdf)

N. V. Franco, A. Feely, M. Sacchi, G. Lucero, T. Civalero, B. Mosquera, J. Izaguirre, A. Di Vruno, C. Aschero, N. Maveroff, M. Rambla, N. Fernandez: Foot engravings at the south of the middle Santa Cruz River and the information about human circulation in Southern Patagonia (.pdf)

Hubert Ilsinger: Anthropomorphic figures on rock bolders in the Northern Limestone Alps - Tyrol, Austria (.pdf)

Hubert Ilsinger, Harald Stadler, Marlene Thaler, Stefan Schumacher: Raetic inscriptions on Rock Bolders in Tyrol, Austria (.pdf)

Jules Masson Mourey: The anthropomorphic engravings of Azrou Iklane (Guelmim Region, Morocco) (.pdf)

Jules Masson Mourey, André D’Anna: The neolithic steles of la Bastidonne in Trets (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) (.pdf)

Ramon Montes: Prehistoric rock art trails - cultural routes of the council of europe. Sharing experience and on the first art of humankind (.pdf)

Reena Perschke: Women Pioneers in Rock Art Research: Mary E. Boyle, Erika Trautmann and Vera C. C. Collum (.pdf)

Krzysztof Rak: Rock art of the Lurum Kingdom, northern Burkina Faso, Department of Pobé-Mengao (.pdf)

Guillaume Robin: An introduction to Scotland’s Rock Art Project (ScRAP) (.pdf)

Leonor Rocha, Paula Morgado: Set of rocks with engravings from Penedo do Ferro (Monforte, Portugal) (.pdf)

Maria Giulia Voltini: Exploring rock art with kids: an educational activity at the Miami Children’s Museum - Miami, USA (.pdf)


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