Valcamonica Symposium 2021
NEWS FROM THE WORLD IFRAO Inter-Congress Symposium 2023
26 - 27 May 2023

  • Presentation
  • Program

Follow all conference work online through this link (no registration required)

Due to organizational challenges, the IFRAO Inter Congress Symposium, originally foreseen for the 24-26 March has been postponed to the 26-27 May 2023.

The President of IFRAO with the support of the Convener announces the IFRAO Inter-Congress Symposium 2023 - News from the World which will be hosted as a video conference by the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (CCSP) and by the Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society (IFRAO Members) between 26 and 27 May 2023.

After the pandemic, which has blocked numerous initiatives and prevented the smooth running of IFRAO meetings, the Inter-Congress Symposium 2023 will be an opportunity for the IFRAO member associations and for associated researchers to present their latest significant research, the objectives achieved and the prospects for the future.

Venue: the speakers will connect online via Zoom. All presentations will also be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici and the Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society and shared on their respective Facebook pages.

Official language: English.

Presentation topics: state of research and new discoveries; publications, exhibitions, conferences and international projects.

Abstract: 200 words in English text accompanied by two images and five keywords. Please fill out the form provided by 15 May 2023. The book of abstracts will be published in an e-book edition by Edizioni del Centro.

Presentation method: presentations of about 20 minutes, on the Zoom platform, from your PC (check the functionality of the web connection, video camera and microphone). We recommend preparing a presentation of about 20 slides in PowerPoint, PDF or equivalent program, in English.

Follow all conference work online through this link (no registration required)

IFRAO Inter-Congress Symposium 2023 - 26th and 27th of May, 2023
PROGRAM (draft)

Friday, May 26th

Welcome remarks, institutional greetings and opening of the IFRAO inter-congress symposium


Tiziana Cittadini - Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, Italy
Recover the past to discover the present: the CCSP's projects

14:30 Andrea Arcà - Footsteps of Man Archaeological Society, Italy
The most recent activities of Footsteps of Man Archaeological Society


14:50 Silvia Sandrone - Musée des Merveilles - Département des Alpes-Maritimes, France
The Museum of Marvels: a lively permanent exhibition place and research center closely linked to the Mount Bego's valleys  


15:10 Mila Simões de Abreu - APAAR - Alter Ibi; Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro  - Unidade de Arqueologia, Vila Real  e Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), FCT - Portugal
Rock-art research in Portugal—the last five years (2018-2023)



Laurianne Bruneau - EPHE-PSL/CRCAO, Ani Danielyan, France
A new standardized dataset for Himalayan rock art




Roy Querejazu Lewis - AVCAR Rock Art Association of the Valleys of Santa Cruz, Bolivia        
Awareness of similarities between rock paintings in Bolivia and Brazil     


Gori-Tumi Echevarría-López - Asociación Peruana de Arte Rupestre (APAR), Peru       
Building chronologies. A new view of Peruvian quilcas or rock art  


Linea Sundstrom - Day Star Research, WI, United States
Rethinking Rock Art: Reforming Settler-Colonialist Perspectives in Research    


Robin Gay Wakeland - ARARA American Rock Art Research Association, United States
The pueblo area petroglyphs in the Galisteo Basin, Santa Fe county, New Mexico. New researches, catalogue and conservation


Carol Patterson - Urraca Archaeological Servicess, CO, United States
Indian Runners and LiDAR Displays of Ancient Trackways          


Kirk Astroth - American Rock Art Research Association
The use of color card for photographing purposes 


Steven Waller - SDRAA San Diego Rock Art Association, CA, United States
Activities of the San Diego Rock Art Association (SDRAA): annual symposiums, education and outreach, academic research in respect of rock art and the cultures that created it, promotion and conservation of rock art       



Saturday, May 27th

Lynley Wallis - Griffith University, QLD, Australia
The Agayrr Bamangay Milbi Project: Rock art in southeast Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia           


Robert G. Bednarik - AURA Australian Rock Art Research Association
AURA’s recent activities (Australian Rock Art Research Association, Inc.)        


Dario Sigari - CNRS - UMR 5608 TRACES; CNR-ISPC, France
Gobustan: one of the most significant prehistoric rock art sites in the world        


Uzi Avner - Dead Sea-Arava Science Center and the Negev Rock Art Center, Israel     Interpretation of “Orante” figures in rock art


Angelo E. Fossati - Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth, Italy
Rock Art Research in the Alpine Area and in the Oman Peninsula           


Pier Paolo Rossi - Independent researcher, Italy
Ennedi, tales on stone




Giriraj Kumar - Rock Art Society of India, Agra, India
Future direction of rock art research: a pursuit of the epistemology of rock art and the processes involved in it         


Giriraj Kumar - Rock Art Society of India, Agra, India
Rock art research in India during 2018 to 2023


Heidrun M.V. Stebergløkken - NTNU Department of Historical and Classical Studies, Norway
Rock art – dynamic perspectives and transformation        


Jorge Angás ARAID - University of Zaragoza, Manuel Bea University of Zaragoza, Inés Domingo ICREA-University of Barcelona
A Multi-scale and a Multi-range Methodology Application for the Documentation of a New-found Levantine Rock Art Site of Barranco Gómez in Castellote (Teruel, Spain)



13:00   Break    

Bo Xiao  - Guangxi Minzu University, China
The human-face petroglyphs: a cultural phenomenon widespread in the Asia-Pacific region, Inner Mongolia of China and the Far East of Russia


Wu Jiakai - North China Rock Art Research Institute of Inner Mongolia Honder College of Arts and Sciences
The rock art of Chifeng, Mid-East of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the North of China 


Chao Ge, Jin Anni, Robert G. Bednarik, Ren Meng and Wang Jianxin - School of Humanities, Minjiang University, China
Scientific research at the Hongshankou petroglyph site complex in the Eastern Tianshan Range, Northwest China 


Huisheng Tang - Hebei Normal University, China
The Human Hand and Foot Prints at Qiusang in Tibet and Related Issues          


Man Li - College of History and Culture Shijiazhuang University, China
The 2019 survey of petroglyphs in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Western China     


Zhang Jiaxin - Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
Wanshan Rock Art, the only rock art site found in Taiwan 


John McHugh - Utah Cultural Astronomy Project
A prehistoric Native American pictograph that signals the summer solstice         


Peter Faris - Colorado Rock Art Association, United States
Early philosophers argued about the reality of shadows - how can they be real when they are the absence of something - light?      


Bernie Taylor - California Rock Art Foundation, United States
Parallel planes in rock art